Numbers On Micro Sd Cards
Jul 26, 2017 - SD memory cards: The features and specifications to look for. This symbol, a number inside a partial circle that resembles a C, indicates the.
What Do The Numbers On Micro Sd Cards Mean
Internal SD Card Information Information about an SD card is encoded in its internal card registries. One of these is the Card Identification (CID) Register, a 16 byte code that contains information that uniquely identifies the SD card, including the card serial number (PSN), manufacturer ID number (MID) and manufacture date (MDT). The CID register is set when the card is manufactured and cannot be changed after it is set. (According to SD card specification the information is only to be written once, however if a card does not conform to the specification this information could be changed!) How to read the CID from an SD card One way to read the CID is to use a laptop with an SD card slot. Card readers in laptops are usually connected directly through the PCI bus (or IDE bus).